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Original Article | Volume 2 Issue 1 (Jan-Feb, 2025) | Pages 309 - 318
The Knowledge Structures of Sustainability in Sport Management - A Bibliometric Analysis of 28 Years
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Assistant Professor of Marketing, Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal, India
Independent research and Faculty of OBHR.
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access


Purpose: This study explores how the knowledge framework of sustainability in sports management might promote safer driving behaviours. How event planners can utilise this data to offer personalised incentives to drivers based on their actual driving behaviours, thus enhancing environmental safety and empowering the driving populace.

Research Methods: The authors conducted a comprehensive bibliometric analysis to assess the scholarly literature on this topic during the last 28 years. The review examined conference papers, journal articles, and relevant publications to map out the existing knowledge in the field.

Results & Findings: The investigation uncovered key research studies, notable authors, relevant publication venues, and countries engaged in collaborative research across several sectors. The findings offer a deep understanding of the intellectual and conceptual foundations that underpin this field, giving valuable insights into its evolution and current state. By critically analysing recent noteworthy works, doing thematic mapping, and cluster analysis, we discovered important research clusters, issues, emerging gaps, and areas for additional exploration.

Implications: In order to enhance the sustainability practices, sports organisations can improve their sustainability practices by implementing a variety of well-informed, research-driven initiatives by utilising the findings of a bibliometric study. The implementation of solutions that reproduce proven case studies, such as the incorporation of renewable energy sources in buildings, displays a dedication to the preservation of resources, as indicated by the literature on the topic.

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