Insurance is an important sector of an economy -- in particular, an emerging market economy (EME) like India. Figuratively and literally, insurance insures a country against collapse. It also insures the people of the country against adversity. The converse is also true. Insurance can catalyse the growth of an economy. Insurance can promote the financial security of the people. It is therefore not surprising that in the advanced economies we see today, the insurance sector is highly advanced, evolved and continues to evolve. It continues to evolve since business, trade, industry and commerce are not static – they grow all the time and into newer and unexplored areas. Almost all risks, present and foreseeable, can be insured in the advanced economies. Being the proverbial facilitator, the government has a moral responsibility to ensure that the participants in its economy are provided all the help in insuring against all the risks they are likely to face. Being the guardian of its people and the promoter of the welfare of its citizens, the government is bound to help its people ensure their financial security by in turn ensuring that they are in a position to access as many insurance solutions as possible, commensurate with their requirements.