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Original Article | Volume 2 Issue 1 (Jan-Feb, 2025) | Pages 205 - 218
Evaluating the Key Performance Indicators and Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Content Marketing: A Case Study on Apple Products
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Research Scholar, Srishti College of Commerce & Management, University of Mysore, Mysuru.
Research Supervisor, Srishti College of Commerce & Management, University of Mysore, Mysuru.
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access


The exploration of content marketing practices in the state of Karnataka, with a specific focus on Apple products, necessitates a comprehensive analysis of the deployment of content marketing methodologies and strategies by Apple, a distinguished multinational technology enterprise. This inquiry seeks to elucidate the mechanisms by which Apple adeptly communicates with and captivates its consumer base within the Karnataka region. This scholarly investigation aspires to scrutinize the diverse forms of content produced by Apple, the channels employed for content dissemination, the localization tactics adopted and the effectiveness of its content marketing initiatives within this particular marketplace. Additionally, an assessment of consumer preferences and behaviors concerning Apple products in the state of Karnataka may be undertaken to facilitate the tailored customization of marketing materials.

Design / Methodology:

The aim of this scholarly investigation was to analyze the content marketing strategies employed by the distinguished mobile technology enterprise, Apple Inc. The study comprised a sample of 204 participants, of whom 96 were classified as male and 108 as female.


Marketing constitutes a dynamic process that orchestrates the expansion of an organization. Inbound marketing is considered the most effective contemporary marketing methodology. The initial element of this approach is content marketing. In the current investigation, the researcher endeavored to fulfill the objectives through the application of statistical methodologies, namely the Chi-square test and factor analysis, revealing that the outcomes of both assessments are significantly positive.


The degree to which the results can be extrapolated to the wider Karnataka market may be contingent upon the constraints imposed by the sample size, which is dictated by the availability of participants or data within the research parameters. The progression of content marketing methodologies has the potential to transpire rapidly, rendering the outcomes of the study potentially obsolete if not executed within a timely framework.

Originality Value:

Undertaking an investigation into content marketing methodologies within the region of Karnataka facilitates a thorough analysis of the competitive landscape and consumer behaviours that are distinctive to this locale, which may differ from broader global or national trends. The findings derived from this investigation are likely to yield pragmatic insights for organizations aiming to refine their content marketing strategies tailored to particular geographical markets, thereby underscoring the practical relevance of the research.

Paper Type: Research Paper

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