In today’s world, there is a desire in women to present themselves beautifully as per the celebrities or the idols portrayed in the cosmetic advertisements. It is a current trend that young women play an important role as consumers of cosmetics in the market as they assert profound influence on the purchasing power of consumer products across growing number of product categories including cosmetics. Young women get attracted to the on screen beauty in the advertisements that results from the use of cosmetics and which is showcased by the media. They try to implement all the beauty hacks shown on the screen in relation to the different beauty products. This research study is based on the advertisement of beauty products of Lakmé, Dove and Pond’s. An advertisement is one of the topical strategies of many brands for the promotion of their products. Advertisements play a major role in changing the behaviour and attitude of consumers towards the products as shown in the advertisements. The growth of cosmetics and beauty products’ markets has become significant as consumers are increasingly becoming aware of appearance and beauty. Understanding this sector should be of valuable use to the marketers in identifying marketing opportunities to ensure greater efficiency in the use of resources and other efforts. The research study deploys a telescopic approach to analyse the cosmetic advertisements. The media texts are studied, analysed, and interpreted by using the communication theories that are telescopically placed in the critical theory of interpretation and hermeneutics.